Nature’s Beauty On Your Skin: Embracing Floral Temporary Tattoos


Getting inspired to try out new body art trends, like temporary floral tattoos, encompass embracing an artsy lifestyle and being original and elegant.

Besides, the latest trend has burst onto the scene, with some brands turning flowers into wearable and beautiful body art.

The art is just a simple process, which your party guests may love. Plus, guests can choose from a wide selection of flowers and create custom designs with beautiful patterns.


1. Lotus Floral Tattoos

Dive into the world of style and symbolism with Lotus floral temporary tattoos that comes sized at 3.8 x 7.5. With them, you will add a touch of beauty and grace to your general look, making them a great addition to your accessories collection.

Lotus floral tattoos blend the essence of tattoo meaning with the personality of individuals. In different cultures, these tattoos symbolize self-regeneration, purity, and enlightenment. By sporting them, you won’t just enhance your style. You will also make a statement about your own personal values and beliefs.

Their longevity ranges from 3 to 7 days, based on where you place them on your body. Some of the areas in your body you can place the tattoos include the following:

  • Shoulder
  • Back
  • Ankle
  • Wrist

2. Magnolia Floral Temporary Tools

These hand-drawn floral designs measure 6.25 x 2.5 inches and come with stippling and black lines. A part of magnolia flowers is often attached to thick branches with around four fresh leaves surrounding the petals. You apply it with water, and it last for around four days.

3. Large Water Lily Floral Temporary Tattoos

These are nature temporary tattoos with around 7 x 9 inches. They include one large extra tattoo and easy care and application applications, with most lasting up to five days.

Turning Pressed Flowers into Beautiful Temporary Tattoos

Temporary floral tattoos might feel like something that you outgrew some years ago. But you will be proven otherwise if you check temporary tattoos for a great variety like Pop Sugar’s Beauty Junkie. Their intricate designs are created from pressed flowers, which are simply bonded to an individual’s skin using eyelash glue, then set with hairspray and a hairdryer. Although they aren’t permanent, they can last two days, even when you shower.

Pressing flowers can be easy. If you own a garden thriving with flowers, you may customize your look by picking what is available there. However, if you don’t have some in your garden, you can buy pressed flowers from craft stores and online distributors.

You can try wearing bracelets of flowers at your next wedding in the summer or scatter some on the shoulders for daytime concerts.


As far as tattoos are concerned, many adults assume that permanent ink is their last option. But most designers and artists have started embracing temporary tattoos, turning washable decals into ephemeral works of age-appropriate body art.

With beautiful color schemes, visually-pleasing topography, and delicate motifs, these temporary floral tattoos can put a spin on a childhood staple.

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