Tips on Setting Up Your Own Beauty Blog


If you love beauty as much as we do then there is absolutely nothing stopping you from following in our footsteps and setting up your very own beauty blog. Many of you may be overwhelmed at the possibility of having your own blog, or at least getting it setup, but the reality is that it is much more simple than you may have realized. To help you get up and running, here are some tips which you need to bear in mind.

Domain Name and Hosting

The first bit of tech stuff which we will cover here is getting your own domain name and finding a host. The domain name is like a house which you purchase online, and the host is the land on which you are going to put the house, both are required here. You can buy a domain name on a site like GoDaddy, and they are often very low cost. For a simple blog the kind of hosting you should be looking for is VPS, which is a basic package that will cover all you need. Check out the best VPS hosting 2022 for a range of options.

Designing Your Site

The best way to manage your site is through the use of a content management system such as WordPress. This houses all of the tools which you need to upload great content to your site, and it also gives you the chance to create a great looking design. If you are unsure about design or you are lacking the creativity to do so, head to a freelance site where you can find many designers who can put something together for you. The cost of this will depend on exactly what you are looking for, the more complex, the pricier it will be.

Content and The User

Before you start to upload content on your site, sketch out some ideas which you want to talk about, this will give you a guide to help you to stay on track with the articles that you are going to post. Once you have done this you need to think about the user, and what they will be looking for when they hit your site. You need to have a site which is easy to navigate and most importantly which actually provides some value for them. Consider why people would want to come to your site and what you want to give them when they get there. This is a sort of mission statement which you should always look to stick to.

Sharing The Site

The ‘build it and they will come’ ethos really doesn’t work when it comes to managing a website, you really have to get out there and share the site. The best place to start with this is social media, a great way to engage with fellow beauty lovers and share your site. Be sure to create social media profiles across Instagram, Facebook and Twitter in order to spread the word about your exciting new blog.

These are the basics to consider when you first set up your beauty blog.

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